Writing in plain English: communicate complex science effectively

Science is only useful when it is understood. When you write in plain language, you will make your research easy to understand; your readers will be able to find the information they need, use what they find, and overall, appreciate the significance of your research. Your readers include not only your peers, but also researchers from other specializations, patients, grant reviewers, ethics committee members, journalists, and the general public. In this workshop, you’ll learn: the principles of plain-language writing; tools and guidelines that can help you write a scientific paper in plain English; and the process of writing public-facing summaries of your research, such as plain-language summaries of scientific papers, lay summaries of clinical trial results, and project summaries of grants.

Course information: https://ilias.unibe.ch/goto_ilias3_unibe_sess_2794048.html

Direct registration link: https://ilias.unibe.ch/goto.php?target=crs_2794047_rcode56L7uLxupu&client_id=ilias3_unibe

Tutor: Dr. Sampoorna Rappaz (sampoorna.rappaz@unibe.ch), Medical Library, University of Bern

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Registration mandatory
Language English
Type Workshop
Target Audiences
  • Students at the University of Bern
  • Employee at the University of Bern
  • Postdocs
  • PhD students
  • Academic Writing
Registration mandatory Yes
Registration per appointment No