UniBE Research Data Day: Unleash the potential of your research!

Organized by Data Stewards at the University of Bern (UniBE)

Ever wondered how to maximize the impact of your research data? How to deal with sensitive data? Or what to prepare for your next SNSF proposal? Join us for an engaging day of hands-on sessions, expert insights, and networking opportunities to elevate your research endeavors.

The “UniBE Research Data Day: Unleash the potential of your research!” workshop offers UniBE researchers insights into best practices, available resources and current challenges in managing their research data. Participants can engage in interactive lectures and hands-on workshops to enhance their data management skills, and with that increase the impact of their research. The event also provides opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas with data experts and colleagues from various disciplines.  The day will end with an apéro.

Registration is open and free of charge. Please register here

Vor Ort

UniS Schanzeneckstrasse 1 B-102

Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um sich für diesen Anlass anmelden zu können.
Sprache Englisch
Typ Workshop
  • Studierende Uni Bern
  • Postdoktorierende
  • Doktorierende
  • Research Data
Registration erforderlich Ja
Registration pro Termin Ja